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Wang Xiaohong’s Reply to a Police Academy Student from the Democratic Republic of the Congo

中国人民公安大学出版社  2022/9/15 11:06:14

  Wang Xiaohong, Minister of Public Security, recently wrote back to Mbaka Ndoo Trinella, an overseas police academy student from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, expressing his heartfelt pleasure at the academic achievements made by Mbaka Ndoo Trinella and his great expectations for police students from various countries studying in China.
  Wang Xiaohong wrote, "I am sincerely glad to learn that you have successfully graduated from Zhejiang Police College with distinction and have been admitted to Tsinghua University for further studies. As your four-year university life has revealed, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, China’s public security system insists on people-centered principles, performs their duties according to law, and ensures a safe and stable environment for everyday life, social prosperity, and overall development. In particular, during the fight against COVID-19, China’s public securities have always made people and life a priority, providing maximum protection to Chinese and foreigners living in China."
  Wang Xiaohong continued, "I understand that many overseas police students like you, during your studies in China, have gotten a deeper understanding of the concepts of "Peaceful China" and "Rule of Law in China," and have personally experienced the friendship and enthusiasm of the Chinese people. We welcome you all to visit different cities of China and to continue your studies in China to learn more. I hope you can introduce and share the real China and China’s public security to the world. Most of you will be engaged in law enforcement in the future. I hope that you will make unremitting efforts to safeguard your own security and development, and work with law enforcement colleagues from all over the world, including China, to make positive contributions to law enforcement cooperation among countries and the construction of a shared future for mankind with universal security."
  Mbaka Ndoo Trinella, a police student from the Democratic Republic of Congo, wrote a letter recently to Wang Xiaohong, describing the studies and lives of her and other overseas police academy students in Zhejiang Police College in China. She expressed their gratefulness for the opportunities offered by the Ministry of Public Security of China to study in China and for the professional training provided by the Public Security College. They also expressed high recognition of China’s governance model and the Chinese police’s concept of "law enforcement for the people"their love for China and the Chinese people. She said they would make due contributions to international law enforcement cooperation and friendship for peoples of all countries.
   (Translated by Zhao Yihui, Xi’an International Studies University)



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